Insurance Acceptance Policy

VIN does not participate directly with health insurance companies, because they typically only allow for very short initial evaluations and follow-up visits.*  Our fee structure allows us to provide optimal clinical care without being subject to insurance reimbursement rules.  Services that we routinely provide which improve clinical care (but which most insurance doctors are reluctant to perform because insurance companies do not pay for these services) include:

  • Full-day initial evaluation, which allows us to fully understand the neurologic causes and resultant psychiatric symptoms you are experiencing.
  • Complete review and summary of all your medical records (neurologic, psychiatric and general medical).
  • Complete listing of all your diagnoses (neurologic, psychiatric and general medical) with our initial medical report and all follow-up reports.
  • List of recommended tests, procedures, and consultations by affiliated specialists.
  • Discussions between our medical staff and your other doctors or clinicians to discuss your care, including 3-way phone calls between our medical staff, your doctor, and you, to coordinate your care.
  • E-mail communication between our medical and support staff, you, and your other doctors and clinicians.
  • Telephone or webcam-based follow-up appointments for patients who sometimes have difficulty traveling to our office.
  • Telephone follow-up by our clinical support staff to help monitor your response to medications and other treatment.  This data is summarized and reviewed by Dr. Ross at each of your follow-up appointments.
  • Medical research specific to your needs if indicated or requested by you.

*However, we can provide you with CPT and diagnosis codes along with any reports which you can use to pursue reimbursement from your insurance company.